Taking Breaks Actually Increases Productivity

In our fast-paced world, where productivity equates with constant activity, taking breaks tends to come off as counterintuitive. However, there has been consistent research that proves the opposite. Incorporating strategic breaks in our workflow allows our minds and bodies to rejuvenate and enhance productivity and creativity.

In this article, we will explore the power of breaks and offer practical strategies to integrate into your daily routines.

Take Regular Breaks

Though a paradox, taking breaks maximizes productivity. Researchers at Florida State University substantiated this theory. They realized that high-performance individuals who work in intervals of about 90 minutes are significantly more productive than those who push themselves to work 90-plus minutes without breaks.

The theory behind this work strategy dates back to the 1950s when scientists discovered that humans have a distinct sleeping pattern that alternates every 90 minutes between light and deep sleep. Later, research revealed that the same 90-minute cycle influences us while we are awake. During the day, we shift in and out of alertness. Rather than listening to our bodies, which naturally want a break every 90 minutes, we tend to ignore it for the sake of production. However, this ideology is counter-productive.

Tony Schwartz, the chief executive officer of The Energy Project, explains how he successfully incorporated alternating intervals of work and breaks into his career. Initially, he worked 10 hours every day and produced a book each year for three years. Whereas for his two latest books, he wrote uninterrupted for 90 minutes, then took a break, and instead of 10 hours a day, he would only write for four and a half hours every day. Using this technique, Schwartz wrote a book within six months.

Another popular time management method is the Pomodoro Technique, developed by Francesco Cirillo. Essentially, the technique involves working intensely for 25 minutes followed by a short break. Each 25-minute interval is called a pomodoro, named after the tomato-shaped timer Cirillo used. After four pomodoros, which translates to 100 minutes of work and 15 minutes of break time, you take a 15-20 minute break.

Have an Actual Lunch Break

Americans particularly have a big problem creating a separation between work and break time. 62% of American workers say that they eat lunch at their desks. However, as previously mentioned, breaks are important for productivity. The lunch break is the most important because it’s in the middle of the day. It provides a much-needed respite after a busy, productive morning and renews energy and focus so you can power your way through the afternoon. Therefore, everyone should take advantage of their full lunch break. Similarly, leaving your desk or office for lunch is also highly recommended. The change of scenery will enhance your focus upon your return.

Get Moving

One study, conducted by researchers at Stockholm University and Karolinska Institute and published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, indicated that exercising during the workday may help improve productivity. The study involved three focus groups. Researchers asked the first group to devote 2.5 hours of work time every week to physical activity. As for the second group, the researchers gave the same decrease in work hours but without obligatory exercise. Then, the third group maintained their normal work schedule of 40 hours a week. Ultimately, the three groups either maintained or increased productivity.

Even more so, if you’ve just had lunch, it’s a good idea to do a quick activity to avoid falling into a food coma. Jo Lichten, author of Reboot: How to Power Up Your Energy, Focus, and Productivity, says that incorporating a mid-day exercise, especially after lunch, “helps to sensitize the cells in your body to the effects of insulin, that hormone that helps keep our blood glucose within normal limits.” Consider taking a brisk, five-minute walk before coming to your desk for a big mental boost.

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Revised on 4/4/2024.