Useful Digital Tips for an Insurance Agent

Being An Insurance Agent During The Digital Age

Insurance Agent At A Desk

Photo By Macho On Pixabay

The people in your own community can be some of the best clients you can get. Many of these people would prefer to talk to a local insurane agent about their insurance needs rather than someone over the phone from a different state. So, while it may seem easy to just call your leads all over your state, it’s wise to market yourself in your own home town. The best way to do this is to get your name on the web so when people search for “local agents near me” on Google, you’ll be the first person they see.

Although there are multiple benefits to marketing through social media, nothing can be as personalized as a website. Having a website won’t get you to the top of the Google list right off the bat, but there are specific measures you can take to get it there. You’ll need to know how to tune it up and make it as search-friendly as possible.

The Bones of Search Concepts

Google and other search engines work in algorithms that determine which sites are most relevant to what is being searched by evaluating signals. Their goal is to find useful links and websites for the user. In local SEO (search engine optimization), your goal is to increase the number of signals for your website. When that’s successfully done, you can easily appear at the top of listings, or at least on the first page.

How to Boost SEO through Google

First, you’ll want to enter your business information using a Google My Business account. They’ll ask you for a unique description of your agency, business category, high quality photos of you and your office, your website, and all your contact information. It’s important to make sure what you post on your website about your information is exactly the same as what you put in your Google My Business account. If you don’t, you run the risk of not optimizing your website to the full potential and Google will rank you lower down the list.

Get Reviews

Google weighs businesses that have a lot of good reviews much more than those that don’t. Let your clients take a survey of your performance online and ask them to leave a review for you. Include a survey in your welcome kit when you visit clients or leave one for them to fill out at the end of your conversation.

Local Link Building

Since the ‘90s, the number of hyperlinks on a website has been one of the best signals of quality. Engage yourself in local organizations, chamber of commerce, networking groups for other insurance agents and place links to their page on your page. It makes you look more involved and generates more backlinks for your website.

Get the upper hand in this industry by using the internet to your advantage. Even in 2017, most insurance agencies believe that local SEO is too difficult for one to master, but it’s just a matter of making small changes so it’s easier for people using Google to find you. Try making your own website and see how the results work for you!


We hope that this information on insurance agent was useful to you.

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This Article Was Updated 06/18/2024.