COVID-19 Relief Package

COVID-19 Relief Package

With the Pfizer vaccine being approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration’s advisory panel, a COVID-19 relief package could be coming within the next week. One of the key steps to the government providing an aid package was getting the vaccine approved and prepared to roll out to patients in a matter of days, and this seems like it will happen.

On Friday, the Senate passed a stopgap funding bill to avoid a government shutdown that would have taken place at midnight Friday had some form of a deal not been struck. The short-term bill extends government funding until December 18, allowing another week for legislators to reach an agreement on a COVId-19 relief bill and general funding for the new fiscal year. Talks over a second stimulus, however, is what is currently creating tension and putting the relief package on hold for now.

A relief package would be a big boost for the millions of Americans who remain unemployed due to the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on us for almost a year. The package would provide much-needed support for people in all areas of the country in the aftermath of the biggest pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu.

There have been some talks about another $1,200 stimulus check, but that has not yet been determined as part of the new package. While people on both sides of the aisle said they would allow the stopgap funding bill to pass Friday, they said that it is not certain they would do the same after the week extension ends this Friday. A government shutdown would be extremely detrimental to the country at this point, especially being just four weeks away from a new executive administration coming into power. Getting this deal done is in the interest of everyone, and hopefully, by the end of the day on Friday, an agreeable bill will be on the Senate floor to be signed into law and acted on immediately to provide relief.

With vaccines being rolled out in a matter of days, a relief package from the government would be a big boost to the nation in a time when it needs some positivity.

We hope this information on the COVID-19 Relief Package is helpful to you.

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