DROPTICKET is used to reference a fast submission system where the carrier’s staff completes the application on your behalf. You enter very little information. Then, the carrier contacts your client and takes over from there. There are several different systems like this. See your choices below:
No paperwork, ordering para-med exams, and processing delays. Express complete let’s you gather basic client info and have the carrier do the rest!
Raise your production to a new level with no setup or submission costs, a faster process, faster policy decisions and faster commissions!
Available for:
- Banner
- North American
- United of Omaha
First-Time Users Must Register
Other DropTicket submission methods are found in the iPipeline system, which all Empower Brokerage agents can access from Agent Tools/Comparative Raters/Life Insurance. Login or Sign Up for iPipeline Here. DropTicket and E-App options are inside iPipeline next to carrier quote information.