How to Know It’s Time Your Parents Need an Assisted Living Facility

assisted living facility

Photo by Matthias Zomer from Pexels.

Most people think that something dramatic needs to happen to justify getting their parents more help. For example, having a parent take a hard fall and no longer being able to walk on their own. However, not all signs, or cries for help, are so obvious.

Physical and cognitive decline is usually such a gradual process that youā€™d need to be closely attuned to your parentā€™s lifestyle and routines to notice it. Additionally, as you get older and have responsibilities of your own, you may not have the opportunity nor awareness to give them the attention they need to live safely and comfortably.

Common signs that your parents need assisted living:

  • needing reminders to take medication, eat, or drink
  • noticeable weight loss or gain
  • difficulty moving or an increase in falls
  • neglect of household maintenance
  • inability to perform daily tasks (grooming, preparing meals, etc.)
  • increased time in isolation (perhaps following the death of their spouse)
  • less interest in beloved hobbies

For dementia patientsā€¦

Your parent might require memory-focused assisted living if they display any of the following signs:

  • increased aggressive behaviors
  • disorientation (becomes lost easily)
  • repetition of stories and questions
  • speech problems
  • difficulty planning, concentrating or organizing

Why an assisted living facility?

Upon discovering that your parent needs extra help, your first instinct might be to care for them yourself. However, no one is ever prepared for how difficult that can be. Juggling your own family, job, and social life does not leave much time for giving your parent the care that they deserve. To better navigate this difficult decision, you may feel more comfortable with the prospect of assisted living with a basic understanding of what it offers.

Assisted living provides long-term housing and care for seniors. Residents of assisted living can expect ā€œpersonalized care, nutritious meals, a wide range of social activities to cater to a variety of interests, and a sense of community in a safe, residential setting.ā€ For all of the reasons listed above, an assisted living facility could be a good option for you and your parent.


We hope this information on when your parents need an assisted living facilityĀ is helpful to you.

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