Insure Your Love Month

Life Happens Pro is introducing their Insure Your Love campaign for the month of February. As an agent, giving your clients the gift of life insurance is something they can take with them for the rest of their life. Here are some tips on how to use the LifeHappensPro resources to make the best of Insure Your Love Month.

Select your custom marketing materials

One of the primary offerings for Insure Your Love is the marketing resources for agents to reach their clients with. The company provides social media, graphics, videos, and compelling real-life stories. These marketing resources can help agents introduce the importance and need for life insurance during these uncertain times. The company has also released a Life Insurance 101 video to help you share basic tips about life insurance.

From digital flyers and email templates to social media graphics and calendars, LifeHappens has all the resources to make your marketing plan successful. Social media is now more important than ever, and LifeHappens created a detailed calendar of posts to help you engage with your clients in an increasingly digital world. With the COVID-19 Pandemic not going away any time soon, having an established digital footprint can be a huge key to success in the world of life insurance. When curating those social posts, use the hashtag #InsureYourLove to string them all together and keep them in one place.

Old School is still in!

While a lot of things are moving online, there still is no true substitute for old-school marketing materials such as paper flyers or brochures or a simple phone call that gives a personal touch that can’t be replicated in an online setting. Some people still prefer the old way of doing business as opposed to the virtual option. As an agent, your job is to make your clients feel as comfortable as possible while making such big decisions as purchasing life insurance, and if it takes a more old-fashioned way then so be it.

Stressing the importance of life insurance is always important, but with a campaign like insure your love it makes it easier as an agent with the resources that LifeHappensPro is offering for the month of February.

Life Happens Pro

Life Happens is a nonprofit dedicated to educating US consumers about the importance of life insurance for sound financial planning. They share powerful, real-life stories about people who took financial responsibility with life insurance and related products. Keep reading to learn how life insurance helped Stephen Miller, who lost his young wife at just 30 years old to cancer.ā€œNothing can bring Katie back, but having life insurance meant we didnā€™t lose everything,ā€ he says. ā€œI donā€™t earn enough alone to afford to live in our house. Life insurance has eased my financial worries on so many levels.ā€


We hope this information on Insure Your Love MonthĀ is helpful to you.

Empower Brokerage is dedicated to helping you educate your clients on the insurance they need and staying on top of their health. Whether itā€™s through webinar training, one-on-one calls, seminars, or marketing plans. We want you to be successful. Give us a call if you have any questions at 888-539-1633.

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