The Benefits of Honey

Honey is poured onto a spoon.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.

What do you think of when you think of honey? Perhaps you think of honeybees buzzing around a hive or honeycombs dripping the concentrated nectar. Honey, the naturally sweet, edible substance, is tasty and healthy for you too. One spoonful of honey a day is beneficial to your body. It is composed of natural sugar and water. If you eat the recommended spoonful of 21 grams each day, you can gain health benefits. It is important to know you should not give honey to a child age one or younger.

What makes honey healthy? 

Honey contains many essential vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids. Natural honey is comprised of the nutrients: niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, and zinc.

For thousands of years, people administered honey to combat diseases and injuries. Modern-day studies have discovered that honey has the potential to prevent diabetes and reduce the side effects of the ailment. Other researchers found that honey can assist in establishing desirable cholesterol levels. Also, scientists indicate that raw honey could help preserve memory functions in the brain, concluding that honey polyphenols prevent inflammation in the brain’s hippocampus. Polyphenols are antioxidant-rich compounds found in plant-based foods.

Can honey cleanse wounds?

Honey can help clean wounds by naturally fighting off bacteria. The sweet substance consists of hydrogen peroxide and glucose oxidase. Also, it has a low pH level. These elements allow the honey to destroy harmful bacteria and fungi. Applying honey to a minor cut or burn helps release oxygen and promotes healing. Manuka honey can also be applied to wounds. Additionally, researchers have found consumption of raw honey, such as manuka honey, can cure some diseases. The culprits include food-poisoning bacteria, E. coli, skin-infecting microbe, Staphylococcus aureus, and H. pylori, bacteria that causes stomach ulcers and chronic gastritis.

Can honey stop me from coughing? 

Over-the-counter cough medicine is not to be consumed by children under a certain age. However, scientists have found a more natural alternative. In repeated trials, the use of honey correlated with reduced harshness and frequency of coughing and improved the sleep of both children and their parents. Also, no side effects developed from honey consumption.

What is the difference between regular honey and manuka honey?

Depending on what part of the world you reside in, the local honey you eat will taste differently than honey made in other regions. For instance, traditional U.S. honey usually comes from clover, sunflowers, or buckwheat, while Manuka honey exclusively comes from manuka plants found only in New Zealand and Australia.

 What type of honey should I eat?

Both raw and regular honey have nutrients, but raw honey appears to offer more health benefits than regular honey. Some experts believe regular honey loses nourishment when it goes through the pasteurization process. Pasteurization allows honey to be stored longer and can make it a more appealing bright color. If you seek to purchase raw honey, you can most likely find it at a health food store. Make sure the label reads ‘raw honey’ on the product. Sometimes regular honey is labeled ‘pure honey’ or ‘organic honey,’ but it is not necessarily raw.

If you would like to learn about a healthy activity, please read about Gardening Health Benefits.


We hope that this information on the benefits of honey is useful to you.

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